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About Me

Toril Fisher


Our journey on this planet is brief and the beauty around us is limitless.Capturing a few fleeting moments of beauty on canvases is what motivates me to paint. I spend hours as a witness to nature’s elements—her gift of light, birth, death, color, and moods. As an artist, I'm challenged to translate those moments to a canvas....spending hours contemplating light, shadow, smells, temperature, and energy and how that translates to artistic composition. As an “organic produce farmer in recovery”, I’m in awe of the magic of nature and grateful for the wealth of knowledge and primitive beauty she brings to me daily.”

My art is bold, contemporary work influenced by the masters, vintage relics, and nature, using unique colored gesso on canvas, I leverage the “ground” color of the canvas to create a negative space to build my compositions. My work echoes that of wood-cut prints or stained glass by separating color from its descriptive, representational purpose and allowing it to exist on the canvas as an independent element. Series pieces celebrate vulnerable humans, animal species, and the fragility of the balance of our relationship with nature.

Toril Fisher is an award-winning artist residing in Sheboygan, WIsconsin. She studied painting and metals at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and completed her BFA at Pacific Lutheran University in Washington State.

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